Training programme on “Integrated Pest and Disease Management” on 06.01.2022


Training programme on “Integrated Pest and Disease Management” on 06.01.2022

A training programme on “Integrated Pest and Disease Management” sponsored by ATMA, Sundargarh (Odisha) was imparted to 40 numbers of Agriculture Input Dealers of Sundargarh district during their field visit to ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack on 6th January, 2022. The training was organized at ICAR- NRRI, Cuttack under the supervision of Course Director Dr. P C. Rath, Head Crop Protection Division and was coordinated by Dr. P.K.Sahu and Dr. Arabinda Mahanty. This training programme enriched the trainee dealers’ knowledge on the insect and non-insect pests causing harm to rice crop, their management by judicious use of pesticide and other eco-friendly intervention.

Author: crriadmin