World Environment Day 2023


World Environment Day 2023

On the occasion of World Environment Day 2023 on 5 June 2023 with a thrust on the Mission life i.e. Lifestyle for Environment, ICAR-National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack organized plantation drives to safeguard our environment at its premises and KVK Campus. Director of the Institute Dr. A.K. Nayak attended the program as the chief guest and administered the World Environment Day pledge to everyone and launched the tree planting programme. Earlier on 24 May 2023, the Institute organized an essay competition on the topic ‘Climate Smart Agriculture: Future of Indian Farming’ with the participation of 15 RA, SRF and students of the Institute. The result of essay competitions were declared and prizes were distributed among the winners. On this occasion, more than 220 saplings of mango, sisu, gambari, neem etc. were planted in residential area of the institute and KVK campus. All Heads of the Division, F&AO, OIC, KVK, Officers of KVK and all the employees of the institute participated in the tree planting program.

Author: crriadmin