Tour report on the visit of His Excellency Ambassador of Norway to India, Royal Norwegian Embassy to Odisha


Tour report on the visit of His Excellency Ambassador of Norway to India, Royal Norwegian Embassy to Odisha

His Excellency Ambassador of Norway to India, Royal Norwegian Embassy, visited ICAR-National Rice research Institute, Cuttack, Odisha during 27th – 28th November 2022. The honorable ambassador Mr. Hans Jacob Frydenlund, was accompanied by Marit Marie Strand, Counsellor – Head of Cooperation Climate, Energy, Health, Higher Education Royal Norwegian Embassy in New Delhi and Mr. Johan Thomas Bjerkem, Second Secretary Royal Norwegian Embassy. They arrived at ICAR-NRRI on 27th November evening and welcomed by Dr. A.K. Nayak, Director, ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack followed by a short meeting conducted over dinner with “RESILIENCE” project partners. Dr Prasanjit Mishra, Dean (Extension Education), OUAT; Dr. R Rajkumar from MSSRF, Chennai; Mr. Ashfaq Ahmed Bhat Director, Norway India Partnership Initiative (NIPI) New Delhi and three of his colleagues from NIPI also participated in the meeting. Meeting started with brief introduction and history of NRRI by ICAR-NRRI Director, Dr. A.K.Nayak, after that Dr. Rahul Tripathi briefly explained about the progress and achievements of the ongoing RESILIENCE project being implemented at different project sites i.e. Tangi and Niali block of Cuttack district. He explained about different climate smart agricultural practices such as Wet Direct Seeded Rice (WDSR), Dry Direct Seeded Rice (D-DSR), Mechanical transplanting, System of rice intensification (SRI) which resulted in yield enhancement by 23-37%. He also gave a demonstration of android based mobile app “riceNxpert”. Dr. R Rajkumar from MSSRF, Chennai briefed the guests about the village knowledge centres established at Cuttack and Ganjam districts under RESILIENCE project and the benefit farmers are deriving from village knowledge centers. After the briefing, many queries were raised by Honorable ambassador Hans Jacob Frydenlund and his colleagues from embassy discussions on various aspects such as reduction in greenhouse gas emission and carbon credit, microirrigation, integrated pest management and nutritional security of tribal farmers were held.
Subsequently, on the next day i.e. 28th November, 2022 His Excellency Ambassador of Norway to India, Counselor and second secretary visited the project site in Badakusunpur village in Tangi block of Cuttack district. They visited the 3 bore well sites which were constructed under BijuKrushak Vikas Yojana (BKVY) by liaising with Odisha Lift irrigation Corporation through which 15 acre catchment area has been created for irrigation during dry season. They were also briefed about the sensor based alternate wetting and drying system and demonstrations were made on climate smart agricultural technologies like System of Rice intensification (SRI) and direct seeded rice (DSR). The areas which were diversified to other remunerative vegetable crops such as Radish, Cabbage, Tomato, Pumpkin, Cowpea, Bitter gourd, Spinach, Brinjal, Watermelon, ladies finger, cauliflower were shown to the guests.
The guests were briefed about solar light trap, pheromone trap. Plant clinic was organized by Dr Rajkumar and Dr SD Mohapatra acted as plant doctor for diagnosing insects, pests and diseases by the use of handy microscopic & digital tools.
A meeting and training programme on “Using digital tools for integrated water, pest and nutrient management in rice” was held in which there was an interaction between farmers and the guests. Many male as well female farmers shared their experiences how they have been benefitted by the RESILIENCE project by practicing various CSA technologies. Hon’ble Ambassdor in his address narrated that Norway is a very small country as compared to India. India is the second largest country with respect to population in the world, whereas the population is very less in Norway as compared to India, so if India can’t control the climate change, the whole world is going to suffer. So he encouraged the farmers to adapt CSA practices for building Climate Resilience. Marit Marie Strand was very happy and appreciated the women farmers as they have adapted kitchen gardening of tuber crops i.e. colocasia & turmeric etc. along with other income generating activities like vermicomposting, poultry farming, Goatery and Duckery. The guests had a good interaction with the SHG members of “Narishakti”. Mr. Johan Thomas Bjerkem was very delighted with the tribal families doing agro forestry like lemon, papaya, drumstick, green apple, guava, mango, banana etc.

The meeting in progress at NRRI guest house on 27th November, 2022 Group photographs of His Excellency ambassador with other members
Briefing to Guests about the RESILEINECE activities and riceNxpert Felicitation of His Excellency Ambassador by Director, NRRI
Welcome of the guests by the tribal women farmers Group photo during field visit at Badakusunpur, Tangi, Cuttack
Briefing the Hon’ble Ambassador about the Plant clinic Interaction with farmers of the village Badakusunpur
Farmer discussing about his experiences of RESILIENCE project A woman farmers describing her experience about the RESILIENCE project activities
Address by Hon’ble Ambassdor to farmers in Badakusunpur, Tangi block, Cuttack Group photo of Hon’ble Ambassdor with Farmers

Author: crriadmin