Successful integression of IPM package in farmers’ participatory seed production field of favourable lowland ecology

Successful integression of IPM package in farmers’ participatory seed production field of  favourable  lowland ecology

Seed treatment of Pooja and Gayatri varieties with 2% carbendazim before sowing and need based application of 0.5% neem oil + 2% detergent liquid or 0.05% imidacloprid or 2% chlorpyrifos as foliar spray for swarming caterpillar /case worm/BPH/YSB high brood  kept the rice crop pest and disease free in on-farm IPM testing. Monitoring of pest occurrence was the key factor leading to success which ensured treatment at the initial stage of crop infestation/infection. Quality pesticide/botanical played an important role for the success.

Location            :        Mahanga block, Cuttack District

Area                 :        100 Acres:

Years of work    :        Kharif 2013, 2014, 2015