Reports of organization of “Swachhata Hi Sewa-2024” with the theme “Swabhav Swachhata – Sanskar Swachhata” at ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack on 15.09.2024 to 17.09.2024


Reports of organization of “Swachhata Hi Sewa-2024” with the theme “Swabhav Swachhata – Sanskar Swachhata” at ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack on 15.09.2024 to 17.09.2024

On 15.09.2024, for the swachhhat activity, Preparatory Phase, preparatory meeting of Institute Swachha Bharat Committee members was held in the Mahanadi Committee Room at 10.00 AM, in which thorough discussions were made and opinions of all the committee members were taken regarding preparation of “Schedule for the organization of Swachhata Hi Seva-2024” and its successful organization by our Institute. In this preparatory meeting Dr.S.Lenka, Chairman, Institute Swachha Committee & Nodal Officer, Swachhata Hi Sewa-2024 (SHS-2024); Co-Nodal officers, SHS-2024 and all the Institute Swachh Committee members were present.
On 16.09.2024 at 10.00 AM, banners on ‘SHS-2024” were kept in prominent places of the Institute. The Committee members thoroughly moved the different sites of the Institute, identified the difficult & dirty spots (Black spots) as a part of regular swachhata /cleanliness drives.
On 17.09.2024 at 10.00 AM in Dr.K.Ramiah Conference Hall, Director along with all the staff members of the main institute & its Regional Stations/Krishi Vigyan Kendras, Institute Swachha Committee members attended the special meeting convened by ICAR, New Deli in which Dr.H.Pathak, Secretary, DARE & DG, ICAR, New Delhi undertook swachhata pledge to all the staff of ICAR Headquarter & different ICAR Institutes. After this at 10.30 AM, one meeting was conducted in Dr.K.Ramiah Conference Hall under the chairmanship of Dr.M.J.Baig , Director (I/c). Dr.S.Lenka, Chairman, Institute Swachha Committee gave detail action Plan before the house i.e, date-wise activities from 15.09.2024 to 2.10.2024. Mr.Ganesh Kumar, Sr.AO focussed on Swachha Bharat Mission and assured to extend all sorts of cooperation for successful organization of this important event. Dr.MJ Baig, Director I/c in his presidential remarks, emphasized on SHS-2024, its theme “Swabhav Swachhata – Sanskar Swachhata” and directed all the staff of members the main Institute and Regional Stations/KVKs to come forward with contribution towards “Shramadan” to make the SHS-2024 a grand success.
In the afternoon hours i.e on this day at 3.00 PM “Swachhata run” from Main Institute building to Kanheipur village was organized in the gracious presence of Dr.M.J.Baig, Director (I/c) to promote fitness & cleanliness and also in encouraging broad community participation. Focus on core messages of ‘Swabhav’, ‘Sanskar’, ‘Zimmedari’ and ‘Bhagidari’ was also made through door to door campaign in Kanheipur village along with distribution of karanja plant (Pongamia pinnata) saplings among the selected villagers under ‘’Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam’’. Dr.S.Lenka, Chairman, Institute Swachha Committee explained to the participating residents on the importance of observation of “Swachhata Hi Seva-2024” by maintaining cleanliness and sanitation of their households and village area. He also emphasized on “Swachha swabhav, swachhata sanskar, responsibilities and active participation” in making their households, village environment friendly and lovely one. In this today’s village programme total forty-four participants including ten women residents were participated actively.

Author: crriadmin