Report of organization of “Swachhata Hi Sewa-2024” with the theme “Swabhav Swachhata – Sanskar Swachhata” by ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack on 19.09.2024


Report of organization of “Swachhata Hi Sewa-2024” with the theme “Swabhav Swachhata – Sanskar Swachhata” by ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack on 19.09.2024

On 19.09.2024, with respect to the targeted activity of the schedule of “Organization of Swachhata Hi Seva-2024” on “Swachhata Sambad: Dialogues and discussions promoting awareness among the people”; the Institute Swachha Bharat Committee members and other Institute staff members met the local residents of Kanheipur New Colony including female residents (of Kanheipur village) at 3.00 PM. Dr. S. Lenka, Chairman, Institute Swachha Committee explained to the participating residents on the role and objective of observation of “Swachhata Hi Seva-2024 from 15.09.2024 to 2.10.2024”. Dialogues and discussions between the Institute Swachha Bharat Committee members and local residents on maintenance of cleanliness and sanitation of their households and village area. Emphasis was given on “Swachha swabhav, swachhata sanskar, responsibilities and active participation” in making their households, village area with neat & cleanliness and proper sanitation. They were also advised to look seriously that no area should be waterlogged as keeping in view the prevailing serious dengue fever. After end of the programme Karanja plant (Pongamia pinnata) sapling was distributed in order to make the village environment greenery and refreshed.

Author: crriadmin