Training cum Demonstration on CRRI biofertilizer model was organized at Patrapalli village, Batli block, Bargarh district on 25.02.2025 Training cum Demonstration on CRRI biofertilizer model to farming community of Odisha was organized at Patrapalli village, Bhatli block, Bargarh district on 25.02.2025 under the project Jaiva-poshak (ଜୈବ-ପୋଷକ). Dr. Upendra Kumar Senior Scientist of CRRI, is the […]
Training cum Demonstration on CRRI biofertilizer model was organized at Patrapalli village, Batli block, Bargarh district on 25.02.2025
Training cum Demonstration on CRRI biofertilizer model organized at Kumaradihi village, Kolabira Block, Jharsuguda district on 24.02.2025 
Training cum Demonstration on CRRI biofertilizer model organized at Kumaradihi village, Kolabira Block, Jharsuguda district on 24.02.2025 Training cum Demonstration on CRRI biofertilizer model to farming community of Odisha was organized at Kumaradihi village, Kolabira Block, Jharsuguda district on 24.02.2025 under the project Jaivaposhak (ଜୈବ-ପୋଷକ). Dr. Upendra Kumar Senior Scientist of ICAR-CRRI, is the Principal […]
Agro Advisory Service for Rice_March_I (English) 
Agro Advisory Service for Rice_March_I (Odia) 
Block Wise Weather Forecast based Agromet Advisory Bulletin of Cuttack District_28.02.2025 (English)
Block Wise Weather Forecast based Agromet Advisory Bulletin of Cuttack District_28.02.2025 (Odia)
Eastern Zone Regional Agriculture Fair 2024-25: Advancing 5G-Enabled Climate-Smart Farming 
Eastern Zone Regional Agriculture Fair 2024-25: Advancing 5G-Enabled Climate-Smart Farming The Eastern Zone Regional Agriculture Fair 2024-25 commenced today at the ICAR-Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack, marking the beginning of a three-day (from February 27 to March 1, 2025) event focused on “5G Enabled Climate-Smart Agriculture: Transforming Agri-Ecosystems for Sustainability and Resilience.” Farmers, researchers, policymakers, […]
संसदीय राजभाषा समिति की आलेख एवं साक्ष्य उप समिति द्वारा नराकास, कटक तथा इसके सदस्य कायालयों का निरीक्षण/विचार-विमर्श कार्यक्रम 
संसदीय राजभाषा समिति की आलेख एवं साक्ष्य उप समिति द्वारा नराकास, कटक तथा इसके सदस्य कायालयों का निरीक्षण/विचार-विमर्श कार्यक्रम माननीय संसदीय राजभाषा समिति की आलेख एवं साक्ष्य उप समिति द्वारा दिनांक 27.02.2025 को नगर राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन समिति (नराकास) का अध्यक्ष कार्यालय भाकृअनुप-केंद्रीय चावल अनुसंधान संस्थान समेत इसके अधीन छह सदस्य कायालयों जैसे केंद्रीय उत्पाद शुल्क […]