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Recent achievements of ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack
- A high protein rice variety, CR Dhan 310 was developed through introgression of high protein content in a popular high yielding variety ‘Naveen’ and released by CVRC as the first high protein rice variety in the country with an average grain yield of 4.5 t/ha and protein content of 10.2%. The variety is suitable for irrigated ecosystem in both wet and dry season. High protein lines in ‘Swarna (MTU 7029)’ background have also been developed and are being evaluated.
- CR Dhan-701 (CRHR-32) was the first long duration hybrid developed in this Institute to be released in the country that has got potential to replace the popular varieties like Swarna, Savitri and Pooja with maturity duration of 142 days. The hybrid performed well in Odisha, Bihar, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu with grain yield of 6.5 t/ha in wet and 7.5 t/ha in dry season. The variety is suitable for shallow lowland condition and having tolerance to stagnant water (30 cm) for 10-15 days at tillering stage, moderately resistance to RTD, Sheath blight and GLH. It has medium slender translucent grains with good HRR, intermediate amylose content (25.61%) and good cooking/eating quality.
- Cultivation of rice as direct seeded crop in a non-puddled soil with suitable varieties and supplemental irrigation releases very less green-house gas from aerobic situation and water consumption can be reduced by more than one third of irrigated rice field. Aerobic rice varieties i.e. CR Dhan 200 (Pyari), CR Dhan 201, CR Dhan 202, CR Dhan 203 (Sachala), CR Dhan 205 and CR Dhan 206 (Gopinath) developed in this institute with maturity duration of 110-115 days.
- Albinoshoot regeneration was the most annoying problem encountered in case of indica rice at the time of androgenesis. To tackle the problem, a protocol has been standardized for high frequency of green shoot regeneration free from albinos and a patent has been filed (Application No. 1355/KOL2015).
- A urea briquette applicator mounted on conoweeder developed to apply urea briquettes simultaneously with weeding operation. It consists of two cones, one float, one briquette hopper, briquette delivery control system and one handle fitted in the frame. The working of applicator is similar to conoweeder in which the operator has to push the weeder and at same time at some interval push the clutch fitted on the handle to place one or two urea briquettes at a time.
- A power operated single row dry land weeder capable of inter row weeding in paddy crop was developed by ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack. The weeder consisted of engine, blades assembly (L shape blades) and transmission system. The rotating blades cut the weeds and also give forward motion to machine. At the forward speed of 1.28 km/h the field capacity of the weeder is 0.025 ha/h with weeding efficiency of 62.5%. The weeder eliminates the drudgery involved in weeding operation with reduced cost of operation.
- A five panel customized leaf colour chart (CLCC) for nitrogen (N) management in rice for different ecologies is developed by ICAR-NRRI on the basis of spectral evaluation of leaves of hundreds of high yielding varieties (HYVs) and local cultivars grown in eastern India under different levels of N applications.It is a cheap and easy to use handy tool provided with a folder having N application schedule. By using this, farmers can adjust the N application to actual crop demand, achieve higher yields and increase nitrogen use efficiency. The instructions of CLCC are available in English, Hindi and Odia in simple language which can be easily followed by the farmers. CLCC is commercialized and is being manufactured by a Chennai based Company at the rate of Rs. 110 per CLCC.
- The best bet “Climate Smart Resource Conservation Technology (CRCT)” was identified which comprised of (i) primary land preparation with mould board plough (once in three year) followed by soil pulverization by cultivator, (ii) dry direct seeding of rice and dhaincha in paired row (15 cm spacing ) with seed drill, (iii) incorporation of dhaincha by conoweeder at 25 DAS (alternatively knock down of dhaincha by 2,4D, if standing water is not available), (iv) application of 75% recommended dose of N and full doses of P and K as basal, (v) customized leaf colour chart (CLCC) based N application in two splits and (vi) mechanical harvesting by reaper.
- The native pathogens of rice leaf folder (LF, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis) viz. Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae and 4 Bacillus thuringiensis isolates (TB160, 161, 261 and 263) have been formulated as wettable powders and applied for patent (Application No. 264/KOL/2015, 263/KOL/2015, 261/KOL/2015 and 262/KOL/2015). The formulations can control up to about 69% leaf folder larvae in the field which would reduce application of chemicides for insect control.
- Pioneering Investigation has been made on understanding biology & ecology of major insect pests such as stem borer, BPH and gall midge, epidemiology of rice blast, brown spot & rice tungro diseases.
- Several ITK-based botanicals identified and refined for rice pest management.
- A composition of novel Trichoderma strain having the potentiality of increasing the yield in rice besides managing seed borne pathogens was been developed and filed for patent.
An alternate energy light trap for rice insect pests was further evaluated for its efficacy and final patent application (No. 341/KOL/2014 dated. 18th March 2014) had been filed. The trap catches all the flying nymphs and adult insects like leaf folder, stem borer moths, hoppers and other insects, thereby reduce population and subsequent progenies in the fields.
- A non-destructive chlorophyll fluorescence based screening technique was developed which identifies submergence tolerant rice varieties within 6 days compared to the destructive traditional technique which requires at least 12 days.
- Technology for preparing rice bran based cake and biscuits was developed.
- National Rice Research Institute (NRRI), Cuttack has developed an android-based mobile app ‘riceXpert’ that provides information on rice cultivation and enable farmers to consult panel of experts. The App provides information to farmers in real time on insect pests, nutrients, weeds, nematodes and disease-related problems, rice varieties for different ecologies, farm implements for different field and post-harvest operations.
- A Rice value-chain has been established through a five-party MOU from seed breeder to seed miller for producing high value aromatic rice variety ‘Geetanjali’. The five parties are ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack; Sansar Agropol (Seed Company), Bhubaneswar; Ananya Mahila Bikash Samiti, Sankilo, Nischintakoili, Cuttack; Mahanga Krushak Manch, Cuttack and Sabitri Industries, Mayurbhanj (Rice Miller). The MOU was signed among the parties for cultivating selected variety of rice (Geetanjali) developed by the first party and promoting its commercialization on non-exclusive basis.
- A Self-Sufficient Sustainable Seed System for Rice (4S4R), which focuses on local seed production, processing and marketing system developed to make the seed available at local level to all farmers according to their need, in right quantity, of right quality, with lower cost of production & supply and with timely delivery which present formal seed system has failed to deliver. Through the intervention of NRRI, Cuttack, one FPO named ‘Mahanga Agro Producers 4S4R Private Limited’ formed and registered under Companies Act, 2013. The FPO consist of two units – one seed producers group consisting of about 1000 farmers, who are mainly small and marginal farmers; the other unit (Processing and Marketing Unit) consists of 20-25 medium and big farmers, who will invest capital. The former group will be supported in seed production through training and critical input supply by FPO while the other unit will procure the seed produced by them, process, pack and market.