ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack releases High protein rice variety CR Dhan 310
The ICAR-National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack has developed a high protein rice variety CR Dhan 310 with an average 10.3% protein in milled rice, by improving the popular high yielding variety Naveen. It is now released by the Central Variety Release Committee. Rice is one of the most important staple foods, particularly for the Asians, but it is generally low in grain protein content (6-8%), which is the lowest among cereals. Hence, protein malnutrition in poor population for whom rice is staple food is a serious nutritional problem. The research on developing the high protein rice started, when the ICAR-National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack identified one accession (ARC10075) from Assam Rice Collection as high grain protein content (GPC) donor and used in three repeated backcrossing with recurrent parent, Naveen followed by generation advancement and selection for identification of introgression lines. Ten high yielding introgression lines were grown in the same experimental plot at the experimental farm of the National Rice Research Institute in rabi2014 and kharif 2014 under standard agronomic package and practices. All lines had significantly higher GPC and protein yield than their corresponding high yielding parent with acceptable grain quality. Among these lines, CR Dhan 310 (IET 24780) was identified as high protein rice variety with an average GPC of 10.3% in milled rice in multi-locational testing (under AICRIP-Biofortification trial).
![]() Field view of CR Dhan 310 |
![]() Grain and polished rice of high protein rice variety CR Dhan 310 |
The average grain yield of this variety at national level in the multi-locational testing was 4483 kg/ha, where in it outperformed the yield-check, Samba Mahsuri by registering yield superiority of 6.81%. It also performed at par with the other national check IR 64 and local check, Naveen. It was found tolerant or moderately tolerant to leaf blast, brown spot, sheath rot, stem borer, gall midge biotype 1 and leaf folder. This high protein rice variety has been identified for release for Odisha, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh and assigned a national identity number, IC 614804 by NBPGR, New Delhi. It has long panicle with medium slender grains. It is medium early (123 days) with semi-dwarf (110 cm), compact plant type and has good initial growth and tillering ability. The variety has very high head rice recovery (65%) and good cooking quality with an alkali spreading value of 4 and intermediate amylose content (24.7%). It also contains moderate level of Zn (15 ppm) in milled rice. This variety is higher in glutelin fraction and essential amino acids such as lysine and threonine compared to its parent, Naveen, which ensures better nutritional value and gut function in human. As this is not only a high yielding variety, but protein rich too, it would prove to be a good source of nutrition for the people who mainly depend on rice for their nourishment.