Training for Pranimitras on ‘Scientific Advances in Sheep and Goat Production’
KVK Cuttack organized a five day skill development training programme for in-service personnel ‘pranimitras’ at ICAR-National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack during 09 – 13 July, 2018. Twenty five pranimitras and one official of Odisha Livelihood Mission of Badamba and Narasinghpur block of Cuttack District participated in this programme. Dr RK Mohanta, SMS (Animal Sc.), the training coordinator and experts from ICAR Institutes, KVK Jajpur, NABARD, Dept. of Animal Husbandry, Govt. of Odisha, conducted theory and practical classes on sheep and goat production along with answering queries and constraints faced by the trainees in field. The training resulted in 39.1% improvement in knowledge base among the participants.
Training for Pranimitras on ‘Scientific advances in balanced feed preparation’
KVK Cuttack organized a five day training programme for 25 no. of grassroot level extension functionaries, i.e. Pranimitras on “Scientific advances in balanced feed preparation” at KVK campus, Santhapur from 4 to 8 February 2019. Dr RK Mohanta, SMS (Animal Science) and training coordinator conducted the training programme with the help of experts from KVK Cuttack, Central Institute for Women in Agriculture, Animal Disease Research Institute, Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services, Govt. of Odisha. The participants were ensured to learn about the basics of feeding livestock, and how to prepare balanced feed using locally available feed ingredients along with awareness on care and management of livestock. Dr. PN Sahu, CDVO, Cuttack graced the inaugural function and Dr GAK Kumar, Head, Social Science Division distributed certificates to the participants on the valedictory function. Dr DR Sarangi, OIC, KVK Cuttack, KVK exerts and staff contributed for success of the programme.
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