Bio-intensive IPM practice with ITK-based botanicals for rice pest management

Bio-intensive IPM practice with ITK-based botanicals for rice pest management

Keeping in view of the aesy acceptance of tribal farmers, several plants identified through ITKs and validated scientifically for their effectiveness against different insect pests of rice, were introduced through bio-intensive IPM in tribal area of Nilgiri block , Balasore district, Odisha since 2007 through a DST project under tribal Subplan (Mayabini Jena, SP/TSP/2006). The effective plants are – Neem (Azadirachta indica), Karanja (Pongamia pinnata), Water pepper (Polygonum hydropiper), Parasi (Cleistanthus collinus), Wild sugarcane (Saccharum  spontaneum) and Kochila (Strychnus nux-vomica). The refined ITKs from the Institute are successfully being utilized by the farmers for pest management during kharif season in a holistic approach of integreting suitable varieties and addessing to nutrient deficiency.

Location            :         Nilgiri block, Balasore district

Area                 :         About 100 Acres

Years of work    :         2007-2015