Awareness Programme on Water Conservation and Rainwater Harvesting

Awareness Programme on Water Conservation and Rainwater Harvesting 

ICAR-National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack in association with ICAR Eastern Region Pensioners Association (IERPA) has organized an awareness programme under Central Government’s Jal Shakti Abhiyan on 31 July 2019. The theme of the programme was “Water Conservation and Rainwater Harvesting” which was attended by about 200 participants from Institute and Pensioners. Dr. SK Ambast, Director, ICAR-IIWM was invited chief guest of the programme and Dr. H. Pathak, Director, NRRI was Chairman for the session. Dr Narayan Sahu (President, IERA), Sh. SK Nayak (Working president, IERPA), Er. B. Mohapatra and Sh. N. Gupta have also participated in the programme from Pensioners side along with others.
The resource persons have briefed the house about the water scarcity problem in the country and shared different economically feasible options like agronomical, genetic, engineering etc. with the participants for rainwater harvesting and water conservation. Also, the quality management aspects of stored water were also discussed in the programme.
Dr. SK Ambast, Director ICAR-IIWM has briefed the house about different technological options for water management and various research activities of ICAR-IIWM at different parts of the country on water management while Dr. H. Pathak, Director NRRI has urged the participants to communicate the message of water conservation at their native places via various means of discussions and deliberations with their village people and briefed the house how NRRI scientists are working on development of water use efficient rice varieties and also revealed its future plan to reorient NRRI farms to give high impetus to water conservation in the institute campus.