
Acquainting the citizens with important constitutional amendments and Agricultural legislations 

On the occasion of commemorating 70th anniversary of Indian Constitution, ICAR-NRRI, the premier rice research institute in the country has organized two special lectures on the topics “Important Constitutional Amendments and their Significance” and “Agricultural Acts and Agricultural Legislation in post WTO era”. On the occasion about 100 scientists, Administrative and Technical staff and research scholars have participated in the event. In the beginning of the programme, Dr. AK Nayak, Director (I/C) has welcomed the honorable speakers, Advocate Aurobinda Mohanty (High Court of Odisha) and Miss Rubanya Nanda (Global Jindal University). During his deliberations Adv. A. Mohanty has illuminated the house with various constitutional amendments and their importance with the life of common man. He has also explained the house, how the Indian Constitutution is a living constitution and also about the basic structure of the Constitution.
Miss. Rubanya Nanda, has delivered her talk on the important Agricultural Acts and Legislation post WTO era. During her talk, she had discussed on the genesis of WTO and how it has emerged as a successor of GATT in regulating the world trade order. She has also discussed on various important agricultural acts and their importance.
The programme was coordinated by Mr. JP Bisen, Scientist and Mr. SK Das, Sr. finance and Account Officer.