Copyright Policy
All the contents available on the ICAR-NRRI website are indigenously developed by ICAR-NRRI and there is no third party content present on this website. If any third party content is present on the website then ICAR-NRRI has obtained the due permissions as per the copyright policies of the third parties whose contents are published on this website.
Contents of this website may not be reproduced partially or fully, without due permission from the ICAR-National Rice Research Institute (ICAR-NRRI). It’s content, if referred to and/or forms a part of content of another website, the content-source must be appropriately acknowledged. The contents of this website cannot be used in any misleading or objectionable context.
Web Content Review Policy
The Web Administrator, the assigned personnel and original content-providers are responsible for periodically reviewing the content of this website in their respective working domains and keep the information updated at all times. A proper workflow should be followed before final updation of content on the website is affected.
Content Archival Policy
Content Archival Mechanism is in place to ensure that all outdated announcements are removed from the website or moved to archive. This will help website team in ensuring that the expired content is removed from the main website. The Archival System available on the website will transfer the expired content in archives section as soon as it reaches expiry date. Archived data will be available with search option to enable search of the data within a range of period by selecting any two dates.
Note: The web manager is responsible to put the expiry date for the content, wherever applicable.
Website Monitoring Policy
Under the Website Monitoring Policy, the website is to be periodically monitored for addressing the issues of fixing bugs and correcting the incorrect information and for maintaining the quality and resolving the compatibility issues pertaining to following parameters:
Functionality : All modules of the website are tested for their functionality and inter-linking compatibility issues for their smooth working.
Performance : All important pages of the website are tested for the download time.
Broken Links : The website is thoroughly reviewed to rule out the presence of any broken links or errors.
Contingency Management
Owing to the requirement of presence of the website on the Internet it is very important that the site remains fully functional all the times. It is expected of the Government websites to deliver information and services on a 24X7 basis. Hence, all efforts should be made by Web Information Manager of this website to minimize the downtime of the website to the extent possible.
In case of any defacement and data corruption, quick action needs to be taken by the respective authorized personnel to undo the damage and restoring of the website in quickest possible time.