Training on “Mushroom Cultivation” for Scheduled Caste Farmers/Farm-women” organized at Ainepur Village under SCSP Programme


Training on “Mushroom Cultivation” for Scheduled Caste Farmers/Farm-women” organized at Ainepur Village under SCSP Programme

A training programme on “Mushroom Cultivation – An Income Generating Vocation for Scheduled Caste Farmers/ Farm-women” was organized at Ainepur village of Nischintakoili Block (Dist.-Cuttack) on February 01, 2024 under SCSP Programme. Dr. B. Mondal, Principal Scientist & Chairman, SCSP Programme briefed about different activities of SCSP Programme, which are being carried out in Ainepur and other SCSP adopted villages. Dr. Srikanta Lenka, Principal Scientist & Member, SCSP Programme deliberated in detail about the beneficial aspects, different ingredients, improved cultivation practices, watering, harvesting and marketing of mushroom cultivation. Dr. Lenka along with some progressive farmers and farm women also demonstrated the preparation of oyster mushroom beds. At the end of training programme, oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sajorcaju) spawn bottles and polythenes were distributed among the interested farmers. Other members of the SCSP Committee like Mr. K.C. Mallick, Technical Officer and Mr. Himansu Sekhar Sahoo, Technician assisted in conducting the training programme. A total of 106 farmers and farm women participated in the training programme. Mr. Prasanta Kumar Mallick of Ainepur village offered vote of thanks.

Author: crriadmin