Training Programme under SCSP


Training Programme under SCSP

ICAR-National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack has organized a two-day training programme on ‘High yielding rice varieties and improved package of practices for better livelihoods’ under SCSP programme during 22-23 March 2023 at Ramnagar and Ainpur villages, respectively. Three hundred trainees were participated in the training programme. Dr. B. Mondal, Head, Social Science Division delivered the aim and objectives of the programme. During the training programme knowledge about various high yielding rice varieties, quality seed production in rice, crop protection management, soil fertility management for better crop yield, conservation of rice seeds, mushroom cultivation for better livelihoods, rearing and management of livestock for higher income were shared with the participants. Dr. B.C. Patra, Dr. M.K. Kar, Dr. S. Lenka, Dr. M. Shahid, Dr. B.C. Marndi, Dr. R.L. Verma and Dr. R.K. Mohanta imparted training to the participants. Four thousand poultry, medicines, poultry feed, feeder, drinker were also demonstrated and distributed among the participants of the villages

Author: crriadmin