Training Programme on “Pension & Retirement Benefits” organized at ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack


Training Programme on “Pension & Retirement Benefits” organized at ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack

The first batch oftraining programme on “Pension & Retirement Benefits” has been organized by the ICAR-National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack, Odisha from 12th to 14th January, 2022 through virtual mode for enriching the knowledge,increasing competency& efficiency among the Finance& Accounts Officer, Administrative Officer and other officers working in ICAR institutes. Shri. G.P. Sharma, Director, Finance, ICAR, New Delhi, Shri S.K. Pathak, Comptroller, IVRI, Izatnagar, Shri. Nafe Singh, Ex FC, ISTM, Shri Kanhaiya Chaudhary, Ex-Director, ICAR, Shri Pushpa Nayak, CAO, ICAR Res. Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Shri. Kumar Rajesh, CAO, ICAR-CIAE, Bhopal, Shri Z.H. Khilji, CF&AO, NAARM, Hyderabad, Shri Sreekumar, SF&AO, CMFRI, Kochi and his team, Shri Umesh Gahlot, Section Officer, ICAR and Shri. Janardhan TE, SAO, IISR, Calicut delivered the sessions and interacted with the participants for improving their knowledge on different aspect of pension including family pension and other retirement benefits. The sessions covered during the programme are relating to service rule, leave rule, qualifying service, pay fixation, classes of pension and gratuity, family pension and case studies on pension related issues.
Dr. (Mrs) Padmini Swain, Director (I/C), NRRI in her address considered the retired employees as the treasure of our society for possessing vast experience in different walks of life and working hard throughout their service career for the development of the community as well as the nation. Dr. A.K. Vyas, ADG, HRM Unit, ICAR emphasised the importance of positive and conducive environment, empathy and goodworking culture for the retired persons, so that they feel satisfied and happy to get the rightful due. Shri. G.P. Sharma, Director, Finance, ICAR emphasized the purpose for conducting the program and the essence of practising what was learnt during the training.
Fifty-eight participants from 38 ICAR institutes representing from 22 States/UTs participated in the training programme. Dr. Sunil Kumar Das, Sr. Finance & Accounts Officer and Course Director presented the report, Shri. V. Ganesh Kumar, Sr. Administrative Officer, NRRI, Dr. Ranjan Kumar Mohanta, SMS and Course Co-ordinator extended his support for smooth conducting of the training programme. Shri Santosh Kumar Sethi, Technical Officer (ARIS Cell) & Course Co-coordinator offered vote of thanks for the support and cooperation of all concerned for making the programme a grand success.

Author: crriadmin