In Bandhasahi village of Kandhamaldistrict, an animal health camp was organized on 5thOctober 2018 under Tribal Sub-plan Scheme of ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack. The afflictions of animals were examined by Dr. R.K.Mohanta, assisted by local Livestock InspectorsMs.GayatriDalabehera and Sri Nrusinghanath Das and line of treatment suggested along with treatment of some cases. Among more than 250 livestock examined/problems recorded, the most common problems were reported to be ticks and internal parasites followed byrepeat breeding, infertility and diarrhea. Most of the livestock sheds were katchawith uneven floor, which was one of the factors responsible for negative health condition and productivity status of the animals. The livestock were supplemented with mineral-vitamin mixture to improve their body nutrient status and overall health and farmers were advised to do routine deworming of their livestock.
Further, to ensure nutritional security of farm families in Pitabari and Bandhasahi villages, vegetable seeds (beans, cauliflower, radish, tomato, brinjal,chilli, etc.) were distributed among 80 farm families with necessary advice by B.S.Satapathy, Scientist. Dr. B. Mondal, Pr. Scientist actively supervised the programme assisted by Dr.Mridul Chakraborty, Scientist for successful conduction of the programme and field visit.