चावल आधारित एकीकृत कृषि प्रणाली पर क्षेत्र दिवस सह जागरूकता कार्यक्रम


Field Day cum Awareness Programme on Rice based integrated Farming System 

A field day cum awareness programme was organized on December 20, 2019 under the project “Development & Demonstration of Integrated Farming System for Livelihood Security of Small and Marginal Farmers in Coastal Odisha” funded under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana, Department of Agriculture and Farmers’ Empowerment, Government of Odisha. The earth work was initiated on the day for rice based integrated farming systems at Pochipala village, Bramhagiri, Puri District.

Addressing to the farmers, Dr. Annie Poonam, Principal Scientist (Agronomy), ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack and Principal Investigator of the Project briefed about the importance of integrated farming system in the lowland of coastal Orissa and various activities undertaken including training imparted to the farmers on adoption of the systems and construction of five Farming system model at farmers field. Dr. Sanjoy Saha, Principal Scientist and Co- Principal Investigator, briefed about the crop diversification and importance of different crop management to raise the income of the farmers with generation of employment opportunities for the women. Dr. Loton Bose Principal Scientist and Co- Principal Investigator, highlighted the selection of varieties as per the duration and land ecology. Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sahu ATCO (Fisheries) and Co- Principal Investigator briefed about the type of fishes and their management under the integrated rice based farming system. Dr. A.K. Nayak, Director –in-charge, ICAR-NRRI, briefed about the importance of adoption of rice based integrated farming system in the coastal belt of Odisha and through which the farmers will be benefited by improving and stabilizing the productivity by crop diversification of flood-prone lowlands and will enhance the livelihood security of the farmers. Saplings of dwarf mango varieties , Sprayers, Rice seeds and Customized Leaf Colour Chart were distributed among the farmers of the village.

Author: crriadmin