हजारीबाग में उपरीभूमि चावल आईपीएम पर किसान बैठक-सह-क्षेत्र दिवस आयोजित


Farmers Meet-Cum-Field Day on Upland Rice IPM organized at Hazaribag 

Farmers Meet cum Field Day was organized on 15th October 2019 at Haram village in Base Panchayat of Katkamdag Block in Hazaribag, Jharkhand under NRRI-NCIPM Collaborative Project entitled “Validation and Promotion of IPM in rice-based cropping System”. Prior to the commencement of the Farmers Meet and farmers-scientists interaction, a Field Day was organized in the farmers field with an objective to showcase the best results of the Integrated Pest Management practices followed by farmers in raising good crop of upland Rice. In the field day, the practising farmers shared his experiences among other farmers and scientists in raising healthy crops with minimal use of pesticides for combating the pests and diseases.

In his inaugural address, Dr. Dipankar Maiti, Head of ICAR-NRRI-Central Rainfed Upland Rice Research Station, Hazaribag emphasized the role of IPM in enhancing sustainable rice production. Dr. Someshwar Bhagat, Principal Scientist and CCPI of the project highlighted the on-going activities of the project and informed the rice varieties IR64 Drt 1, Sahabhagi Dhan and Vandana suitable for upland rice demonstrated in the farmers field under the IPM programme. Speaking on this occasion, Dr. R K Tanwar, Principal Scientist from ICAR-NCIPM shared his experience in Rice IPM and explained the role and easy methods to conserve of biocontrol agents. Dr. SD Mohapatra, Principal Scientist & Principal Investigator of the project from ICAR-National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack highlighted the On-going IPM programmes of the institute with special emphasis of IPM in Upland Rice. He has also discussed and demonstrated the use of the Android based Mobile App “RiceXpert” developed by the institute and how the farmers are getting benefits in identifying the pests and diseases on real-time basis and getting solution instantly. Dr. Satyandra Singh, Principal Scientist from ICAR-NCIPM explained about the nematode problem in rice and their management. Dr. S.M. Prasad, Principal Scientist of the station highlighted the identification of weeds in upland rice and their management. Mr. S.P. Singh, Chief Technical Officer from ICAR-NCIPM shared his experience on areawide IPM programme in Basmati Rice with the farmers. Around 100 farmers and farm women participated in the event.

Mr. Sawn Oraon, Senior Technical Officer of the station offered formal vote of thanks.

Author: crriadmin