“Concluding function of organization of Swachhata Pakhwada-2024” organized at ICAR-National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack on 31 December, 2024


“Concluding function of organization of Swachhata Pakhwada-2024” organized at ICAR-National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack on 31 December, 2024

ICAR-National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack organized “Concluding function of organization of Swachhata Pakhwada-2024 (from 16-31 December, 2024)” on 31-12-2024 at 11.00 AM. Dr.Srikanta Lenka, Chairman, Institute Swachh Bharat Committee welcomed all the dignitaries and made a brief presentation on the day to day activities organized under Swachhata Pakhwada-2024 (from 16-31 December, 2024) at the Institute, its residential premises, villages, tourist spots, educational institutions, temple, local markets etc. Mr. Abhay Kumar Dikhit, Head Master, CRRI Govt. High School highlighted on the Swachhata activities being organized in the school viz. cleaning of the school premises, conducting drawing and essay competition for students etc. He expressed about the importance of imparting a habit of swachhata among the students, who are future of the country. In the school, the students perform a 15 minutes swachhata activity daily after the prayer. Mr. A.K. Samanta, City Engineer, Cuttack Municipal Corporation as the Chief Speaker expressed thatt around 400 metric tons of urban waste is being generated in Cuttack city every day. The CMC lifts it daily from households, markets, institutes etc. and processes it in MCCMRF and 100 metric tons of microcompost or biocompost is being produced from household/kitchen waste. Around 100 metric tons of dry waste is also collected and converted to wealth which earns lakhs of money. CMC has initiated “Mahanadi River Development Project” of Rs. 400 crores so that Cuttack city will be converted to one of the most beautiful cities of the country.
The Chief Guest of the programme Dr. S.K. Pradhan, ADG (FFC) in his impressive speech that the Institute Swachhata activity is now becoming a mass movement with more involvement of staffs. He discussed about the objective of Government of India behind the “Swachh Bharat Mission”. He also deliberated on the importance of waste management in rice and wheat production, by converting the straw of these crops after harvesting into wealth, producing bioethanol, which can reduce air pollution through straw burning. He emphasized on utilization of the waste product of jute and other fibre crops after fibre extraction. He pointed out that the research on reduction of lignin and oxalic acid content in rice straw and other crops for their utilization as a fodder has to be carried out.
Dr. A.K. Nayak, Director, ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack instructed the staff members that we have to abide the Swachhata pledge for the Swachhata of the Institute and the country. He discussed about the importance of maintaining the Swachhata of environment, body, mind, thought and knowledge for a peaceful life. According to him, Swachhata is a journey and it should be made part of our habit.
The Director Dr.A.K.Nayak felicitated the Chief guest, Dr. S.K. Pradhan, ADG (FFC); chief speaker, Er. A.K. Samanta, City engineer, CMC and Dr. Rubina Khanam, Scientist, CPD, NRRI. The prizes were distributed to the winners of drawing and essay competitions conducted studying at CRRI Govt. High school and the performers of “Nukad Natak on Swachata” organized in Badimul village. The meeting was ended with vote of thanks by Dr. Arabinda Mahanty, Member, ISBC. The concluding function was moderated by Dr.Reshmi Raj, Scientist & Convener, Swachha Bharat Committee.

Author: crriadmin