Six New Products i.e. NRRI-Tricho card (Tj), NRRI-Tricho card (Tc), NRRI-Bracon card (Bh), NRRI-Biostimulant (Th), NRRI-Biostimulant (Te), NRRI-Biostimulant (Ta) are developed 
Six New Products i.e. NRRI-Tricho card (Tj), NRRI-Tricho card (Tc), NRRI-Bracon card (Bh), NRRI-Biostimulant (Th), NRRI-Biostimulant (Te), NRRI-Biostimulant (Ta) are developed 1. NRRI Trichocard (T. j) Species: Trichogramma japonicum Developers: Basana Gowda G, Totan Adak, Naveenkumar B Patil, Guru Prasanna Pandi, Annamalai M, Prashanthi G and Rath P.C Trichogramma japonicum is an important egg parasitoid of yellow […]
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